We investigated the pathogenic relevance of this finding in transgenic mice overexpressing IGFBP5 in motor axons and sensorynervefibers.
Substance P (SP), an 11 amino acid peptide, is released by C and A delta sensorynervefibers during tissue insult and inflammation.
Uso de afferent nerve fiber en inglés
Based on structural characteristics we identified four types of vagal afferentnervefiber terminals in the trachea.
In contrast, electrophysiological studies concluded that the vagal afferentnervefibers also densely innervate mucosa in more distal esophagus.
The vestibular system relays information about head position via afferentnervefibers to the brain in the form of action potentials.
Gastric functions are controlled by local and hormonal mediators as well as by viscero- afferentnervefibers and by efferents from the central nervous system.
This sensitization can be reproduced in the guinea pig and is most likely mediated by the esophageal afferentnervefibers carried by the vagus nerves.